Culturally Authentic Responsive Texts
Empower students to see themselves in the materials they are studying.
Implement culturally and linguistically responsive teaching strategies in the classroom with collections of culturally authentic literature and informational texts curated by expert, Dr. Sharroky Hollie.
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning
Promote a culturally responsive learning environment that validates and affirms students' diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Educators will feel empowered, excited, and confident to implement this framework because it embraces and places value on students' culture and language, allowing them to thrive in the classroom.
Exploring Reading
Guide all students to become strong, independent readers!
This strategic and comprehensive intervention program engages students to discover the true joy of reading while mastering foundational skills.
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching in Your Classroom
Incorporate CLR strategies in your classroom with confidence.
This 6-page guide by Dr. Sharroky Hollie, offers insightful strategies to help you create a learning environment that validates students’ unique home cultures and language.
Effecting Change for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners, 2nd Edition
Close the provision gap for culturally and linguistically diverse learners.
Written by Dr. Almitra Berry, this completely revised second edition introduces a new five-step framework that focuses on academic achievement and equity for all students.
Journey to Responsiveness
Why cultural responsiveness is necessary in our schools today.
Builds knowledge and creates the context for addressing the needs of underserved students in terms of their sociopolitical and sociolinguistic relativity in the American educational system.
Strategies for Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practices
Building a strong toolkit of effective culturally responsive learning strategies.
Places emphasis on the skillset of CLR with a focus on the use of culturally responsive classroom management strategies.
Lift Every Learner towards a Life of Achievement
Reach and teach every learner with a lens toward equity.
In this inspirational keynote, Dr. Almitra Berry, author of Effecting Change for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners, shares her story and why it is critical to reach and teach every learner with a lens toward equity.
Five Steps to Equity
Traveling down the metaphorical Road to CARTI.
In this motivating keynote, Dr. Almitra Berry, author of Effecting Change for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners, prepares educators for traveling down the metaphorical Road to CARTI.
5 Steps to Reaching Academic Equity in Your Schools and Classrooms
Come take a drone flight overview, and be ready to set your GPS for the land of CARTI!
Watch this On-Demand webinar and gain the excitement needed for educators to travel down the metaphorical Road to CARTI, where culturally appropriate response to instruction (CARTI) is the way schools operate.
Culturally Responsive Literacy: Identifying Three Types of Text
How students thrive as readers and learners when they learn about others.
In this On-Demand webinar learn the three types of culturally responsive text. A tool you can use to analyze texts for cultural responsiveness. Protocols you can use to validate and affirm students.
Leadership: The Key to Fostering a Mindset for Culturally Appropriate Equitable Instruction
Intended for School Leaders
Are you fostering the mindset that your teachers need for their learners to receive and benefit from culturally appropriate equitable instruction? This is a critical consideration for your equity initiative success.
6 Ways to Know You are Culturally Responsive
Are you being culturally responsive?
Join this On-Demand webinar to define cultural responsiveness, learn 6 key questions to gauge your cultural responsiveness, pinpoint where you are in your journey to responsiveness and much more.
Strategies for Supporting Language Learners in Remote Teaching Environments
Overcome challenges in a virtual environment.
Join this On-Demand webinar to learn best practices to support English Language Learners in a virtual environment, strategies to bridge the gap between content and language and new ways to engage English Language Learners with complex text and word learning.