The Nutrient Cycle 6-Pack
Item 21701
Grade 3-5
Lexile 710L
ISBN 9781480747012
Language English
Guided Rd. Level V
Learn about the nutrient, water, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and phosphorous cycles - nature's ways of recycling within ecosystems!
This 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science. It includes vibrant images, fun facts, helpful diagrams, and text features such as a glossary and index. The hands-on Think Like a Scientist lab activity aligns with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
The accompanying 5E lesson plan incorporates writing to increase overall comprehension and concept development and features:
- Step-by-step instructions with before-, during-, and after-reading strategies
- Introductory activities to develop academic vocabulary
- Learning objectives, materials lists, and answer key
- Science safety contract for students and parents
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Kits from this series
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Science Readers: Life Science Kit
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Science Readers: Physical Science Kit
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Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 2 Kit
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Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 4 Kit
Bring all three strands of science to life with these engaging readers and 5E lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Fourth grade students will improve content-area learning and literacy through fun, hands-on science activities.
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Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 5 Kit
Bring all three strands of science to life with these engaging readers and 5E lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. fifth grade students will improve content-area learning and literacy through fun, hands-on science activities.
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Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade K Kit
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
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Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 1 Kit
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
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Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 2 Kit
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
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Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 3 Kit
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
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Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 4 Kit
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:27636
Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 5 Kit
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:27637
Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade K Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
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Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade 1 Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:84942
Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade 2 Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:84943
Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade 3 Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:84944
Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade 4 Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:84945
Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade 5 Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:84946
Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade 6 Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:84947
Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade 7 Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:84948
Science Readers: Georgia Edition: Grade 8 Kit
Created to align to the new Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Science, this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:84949
Related links
Correlations to National, State, and Province Standards
FOSS Science Readers Standards
Next Generation Science Standards

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